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2009, Troms/Oslo, ISSN 1502 2307Eliassen KE, Fetveit A, Hjortdahl P, Berild D, Lindbaek M: New guidelines for antibiotic use in standard health care. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2008, 128: 2330 2334. Albert X, Huertas I, Pereir II, Sanflix J, Gosalbes V, Perrota C: Antibiotics for combating recurrent urinary tract infection in non pregnant women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004, CD001209 3Brumfitt W, Hamilton Miller JM: Efficacy and safety profile of long run nitrofurantoin in urinary infections: 18 years’ adventure. The Company stood short of docs for doctor army, judges and pleaders for doctor courts, and engineers for constructing roads, canals and govt. building under doctor Public Works Department. Hence, these were doctor chief branches of technical and vocational schooling in doctor education system of that period. This period is comparatively of greater significance from doctor point of view of commercial and vocational education, though doctor main objective of vocational schooling in clinical help period too was scientific produce a couple of well educated efficient and skilled Indian officers who might behavior efficiently doctor work of management and association under British officials in a whole lot of executive departments. In 1857, with doctor incorporation of 3 presidency universities, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, subjects such as Law, Medicine, Engineering, Agricultural Science. Commerce and Technical Education were included in doctor curriculum of Universities and special academics were appointed clinical teach these subjects.